Posted on: May 28, 2022 Posted by: Scent Plus Comments: 0
How to choose the best air freshener for your company
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How to choose the best air freshener for your company

Smell has a far larger influence on perception than we may assume. The majority of businesses focus on décor and aesthetics while disregarding the importance of scent. If someone enters your workplace and is greeted by a foul odor, they will immediately identify it with the hygiene of your company.

Air fresheners not only mask unpleasant odors but also help to prevent the transmission of germs and viruses that may be present in the air.

Here are some things to think about when selecting the proper air freshener for your business:

Room Dimensions/Type:

Are you looking for a way to freshen up the air in your hallway? Is it for a toilet? Is it intended for a large warehouse? The room’s style and layout


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Before you choose an air freshener, find out if there are any persons who are allergic to various scents. If that’s the case, scent-free neutralizers are available


Because the air freshener will be used on a regular basis in the office, make sure you pick a long-lasting solution that is not harmful to the environment. Find out if the air freshener system is environmentally friendly if it lasts a long time, and if it can be recycled after each use.


Is there a lot of ventilation in the space in question? Different types of air care solutions are required for areas with a lot of airflows and those that are enclosed.

Now is the moment to consider air quality carefully in order to maintain sanitary workplaces.

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